Loggin Problems on DBZCOLLECTION.FR

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Loggin Problems on DBZCOLLECTION.FR

Messagepar Aritz182 » 21 Juin 2014, 09:11

I know this is not the right place to post this, but I could not fin any other site of the forum to post it.

In the last couple of days I've having many problems trying to log in in my dbzcollection.fr account.
The thing is, on the first days, when I was trying to log in, this is the message appeared on the explorer once y clicked on the log in bottom:

INSERT command denied to user 'dbzcollection2'@'' for table 'logs'

So I asked for a new password, the dbzcollection.fr team sent me a new one, but I can not log in with that new password because website says that that password or user name does not exist.

Anyone can help with this?
Thank you very much!
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Re: Loggin Problems on DBZCOLLECTION.FR

Messagepar nightw » 21 Juin 2014, 10:05

they are workin on it.
it's the same for everyone.

Personnes à ne pas dénoncer: drizzy4210 alias soltani.aziz9, Supr3m=flavius1985=sursur.hrolu=mangafandbz=kaio=escroc, dbz.stars=dbz.vendeta=escroc, p*****_max, alfredingoo2011=escroc, davidrohff=mauvais payeur, a2c.cinema = escroc, mendo27 = veux pas payer
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Re: Loggin Problems on DBZCOLLECTION.FR

Messagepar Aritz182 » 22 Juin 2014, 20:00

Thanks you!!
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Re: Loggin Problems on DBZCOLLECTION.FR

Messagepar Aritz182 » 27 Juin 2014, 07:40

Anyone knows when are they gonna fix the problem? It is driving me crazy, I need to log in in to check some if I am missing some cards of my collections!!! :giddy: :angry2:
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