JadeSuigyoku a écrit:Hoi!
Really love this site so far, it's incredibly thorough and well made!! (´ ω `♡)
I was not sure where to ask this but this seems like an appropriate channel. I'm currently making my own wiki for all things One Piece and the guide on the early card games has been super helpful, I was wondering if I would be allowed to use the details of release dates for card sets/card set lists/general information for use on my own wiki? I would include that this was the main source of information and have links to this site and the appropriate pages when its cited as well. I just didn't want to use anything without asking first.
The wiki is http://www.grandlinewiki.net, its not really filled in much at all just yet as it's a slow process and under a lot of work.. (*_ _)人
Please let me know and thank you again for making this really incredible resource!! (⌒ω⌒)
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